4 Ways to Embrace Your Imperfections

Embracing your imperfections is a part of accepting who you are. When you learn to embrace them, you can begin to walk confidently in God’s purpose and plan. When you hyper-fixate on who you should be, you lose sight of who God says you are. Instead of trying to become perfection, focus on walking closely in God’s perfect example. Here are five ways to embrace your imperfections. 

Practice Positive Affirmations

The words you speak over yourself hold power. If you constantly degrade yourself and pick apart every flaw, you’ll find yourself internalizing these negative thoughts. Instead, write down positive affirmations–preferably on a sticky note. Place these affirmations on a mirror and recite them daily. 

Be sure to make eye contact with yourself while you recite these affirmations. It’s important to be present with yourself in these moments and believe the words you say out loud. Speaking positive affirmations is also an excellent way to reconnect with your sense of self-worth. These powerful statements carry conviction and it's essential to meditate on these convictions daily.

Learn That Perfection is Unobtainable 

Perfection is simply unobtainable. It doesn’t exist. Let go of unrealistic ideations of what you should look like or who you should be. Instead, focus on all that you are and who you are. That’s what matters the most. Who are you when nobody is watching? What do people say about you when you’re not around? How do you feel when you sit alone with yourself? These are the most important things to focus on. 

If you continue to chase perfection, you’ll find yourself in a never-ending cycle of emotional exhaustion and disappointment. Give yourself a well-deserved break. Focus on bettering yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Give your worries and concerns to God and pray for the wisdom to let go of these toxic ideals of perfection, especially worldly ideals.

Realize That Flaws Make Us Human

One of the most humbling and comforting facts about our existence is that our flaws make us human. Our personal quirks, imperfections, and limitations are all a part of this reality. We are all multi-faceted and interesting human beings despite our imperfections. Embrace it. Embrace all of who you are and lean into your flaws. Learn that they don’t make or break you. Don’t allow these invisible ideas to take up so much space in your mind.

Practice Self-Love

What does self-love even look like? How can you practice it when you’re struggling to embrace your imperfections? These are all valid questions that may cross your mind when thinking about practicing self-love.

However, self-love is a journey. It’s a gentle process that requires patience and compassion for yourself. Loving yourself looks like setting boundaries, taking care of yourself, spending time with yourself, and being in tune with your feelings. It’s being kind to yourself and respecting your mind and body. Take this journey one step at a time. Don’t be discouraged! You got this. 

Yours Truly, 

Chevon Nicole