6 Ways to Practice Self-Love This Valentine's Day

This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day, which is a day of love and celebration for many couples. This holiday can be a sad reminder for singles, but it doesn’t have to be. Continue reading to learn how to love on yourself this Valentine’s Day.

Take Yourself on a Date

Dates aren't only for couples. Spending time with yourself and giving yourself the dedicated time you deserve is essential. Find your favorite activity, visit your favorite restaurant, or try something new! Go solo this V-Day and treat yourself to a date.

Try not to be intimidated by the couples you see on Valentine's Day. Focus on your meal, the music, the atmosphere, and how you deserve to enjoy small moments–even if it's all alone. Take extra time getting ready, get your makeup done, fix your hair, and enjoy every moment of your solo date. You'll be surprised at how much you learn about yourself in these moments.

By spending time alone, you're building self-confidence, self-love, and trust. You learn how to find peace in your own company, and this feeling can prove to be rewarding and fulfilling. By the way, self-love is the best love!


Treat Yourself to a Valentine's Day Mani/Pedi

What better way to treat yourself than with a fresh manicure and pedicure? This relaxing activity allows you to participate in self-care and cater to your maintenance needs. You don't need a partner to pamper yourself. Enjoy a laid-back Valentine's Day by enjoying a nail day. 


Buy Yourself Roses and Chocolates

Stop waiting for a partner to come along to buy you roses and chocolates. Buy yourself your favorite blooms and chocolates–you deserve them! Small acts of self-appreciation are good for the soul.

While society may tell you, and show you, that roses and chocolates are exclusive romantic gestures, this is not true! If you want to make yourself feel special and put a smile on your own face this Valentine's Day season, buy yourself those roses.


Write and Recite Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful. Instead of criticizing yourself and being overly analytical, try speaking life into yourself. Instead of hyper-fixating on your singleness and finding things wrong with yourself, recite affirmations. Remind yourself about who God says you are, and focus on what He is trying to teach you in this season of singleness.


Here are a few you can recite:

●     I am worthy.

●     I am loved.

●     I love myself.

●     I am beautiful.

●     I am attracting abundance.   


Have a Self-Care Day

Self-care looks different for everyone. While one person may consider self-care as exercising, lighting a candle, or cooking a warm meal, another may consider self-care as journaling, screaming it out, spending time with family, or meditating.

Choose to practice self-care with intention and a spirit of love this Valentine's Day. Whatever brings you peace, do it!


Galentine's Day

If you have a group of girlfriends to call on, plan a festive Galentine's Day dinner. A Galentine's Day gathering is a great way to remind yourself of all the platonic love you are surrounded by.

Do an activity where you each share your favorite things about each other. This activity is a great way to share a spirit of love and appreciation while spending time with the people you care about the most.

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a depressing day for you. There are many ways to show appreciation for yourself and surround yourself with all the love you deserve. I wish you a positive and uplifting holiday!


Chevon Nicole

Self-ImprovementGuest User