5 Valuable Lessons We Should Learn From Oprah

Oprah Gail Winfrey is an iconic figure in Black American History. Her massive success can be attributed to many factors. Her grit, sincerity, and perseverance are just a few that have played an integral role in her success. There are many lessons we can learn as entrepreneurs from her journey. Continue reading to learn from one of the most successful moguls in American history.

Your Past Does Not Dictate Your Future

Oprah endured many hardships during her adolescence that had significant emotional impacts and left emotional scars. While these hardships were devastating, she did not allow them to hold her back on her path to success.

Trauma manifests differently for everyone. At times it may feel like it consumes you, like a dark looming cloud that never goes away. However, your past doesn't define you, nor does it dictate your future. It's important to remember that you are not what happened to you. You are so much more! Once you understand this, you can move forward with the freedom of clarity and the weight of your past far behind you.

Perseverance is Key

Oprah grew up during a time when her white counterparts were dominating the business and entertainment space. Had she let the social disadvantage of being a black woman hold her back, she wouldn't be the most influential woman in the world today.

Even today, there are disparities in certain spaces that make it more difficult for minorities to win. However, you must work diligently and intentionally to break down these barriers.

Perseverance plays an integral part in breaking down these barriers. Pressing forward despite challenges and obstacles is vital on your journey. To persevere, you must keep picking yourself up each time you fall. You may hear many "no's" on your journey, but never give up! Your future self depends on you.

Success is a Mindset

Oprah constantly reminds her audience about the importance of mindset when obtaining success.

She says, "We are each responsible for our lives and, more importantly, the thoughts that create them. If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."

Are your thoughts negative or positive? Do you speak life into your business, or are you constantly criticizing it? Do you find yourself frequently doubting your abilities and God-given talents?

When you find yourself spiraling in self-doubt, remind yourself of your mission. Challenge these thoughts. They are not productive. They only plant unfruitful seeds in your mind. You must shift your thoughts to shift your reality.

Constantly Reinvent Yourself

Reinventing yourself is a natural part of growth. Oprah constantly reinvented herself during her journey, creating the multifaceted mogul she is today. Reinventing yourself has little to do with changing who you are and more with building upon who you are using experiences and lessons you've learned.

Over time you'll become a more seasoned and refined version of yourself. You may discover new passions and discard old ones, sharpen your talents, and meet new people. You are a unique concoction of your experiences—a constant evolution. You never know what reinventing yourself may bring. Take the leap and never stop learning.

Fail Your Way to Success

We all desire success. However, the reality of the path to success is rarely discussed. Failure is an integral part of success. It is not the act of failing but the outcome of failure that allows us to succeed.

Oprah often vocalizes the importance of failure and how we should use it as a tool instead of an obstacle. When we fail, we learn. We can evaluate the process and distinguish our shortcomings. We can approach our target differently by learning and correcting these shortcomings, producing new (and hopefully more successful) results. Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid of never trying and leaving a learning opportunity on the table.

One of Oprah's most memorable quotes reads:

"A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."

You cannot rush greatness. Take your time on the journey. Fail. Learn. Repeat. Reinvent yourself along the way and persevere through every challenge. Success is inevitable.

 It's about time you start claiming it.


Yours Truly,

Chevon Nicole