How to Conquer 2023: Important Kingdom Tools
Happy New Year, I Am Family! As we enter this new season, I pray that God covers you all with the strength, wisdom, and guidance you need to conquer the year. We all wish for success and prosperity in the new year. However, often we fail to plan, and in doing so, we plan to fail.
Success is a mindset, so your business will be as big as your mindset will allow. Don’t get caught up in the cancer of comparison. Don’t worry about comparing yourself to other women. Instead, let them motivate you to go harder, and vice versa. Stay focused on your God-given missions, and you’ll go far.
If you’re searching for a way to achieve your New Year's resolutions this time around, continue reading. Here are a few Kingdom tools you need to execute your goals in 2023.
Practice Self-Evaluation
Checking in with yourself is essential. When was the last time you asked yourself how you were doing? Are you in tune with your thoughts and emotions? Practicing self-evaluation is important to ensure your mental health is in check. When your mental health is in check, you can pursue your goals with a free and open mind. Don’t be enslaved to your mind. Practice checking in with yourself constantly.
Write the Vision
To know where you are going, you must write the vision and make it plain. Visualize your goals. What do they look like? Where do you see yourself? How will you get there? Write down your goals, or create a vision board, to help you realize your goals. From idea to conception, a dream is born. From vision to action a dream is realized. Bring your ideas to God, make Him your business partner, and pray for His vision to become yours.
Step out on Faith
Stepping out on faith requires you to move when God tells you to move, even when it doesn’t make sense to you. It requires you to move intentionally, uncertain about the future but trusting completely in God’s plan. Working by faith is complete surrender and trust in God’s will. This is key to accomplishing your goals!
Ways you can strengthen your faith:
Pray without ceasing
Read God’s word
Listen for God’s voice
Surround yourself with like-minded believers
Stop doubting what God can do in your life
Practice obedience
Seek a Mentor
Mentors are guides that help you elevate your journey. They offer insight on pathways that you intend to take and help you avoid mistakes that they experienced on their journey. Investing in a mentor is a valuable resource that allows you to take your goals to the next level.
It’s essential to find someone who is on a similar path so that their advice and instruction align with your personal goals. Take time to seek out a mentor that you connect with for optimal success.
Pray Without Ceasing
Prayer is power. Learn to stay in constant communication with God and talk to Him like a friend–because He is! Prayer equips you with confidence, peace, and understanding. God wants to hear from you and listen to your concerns, thoughts, and requests.
Prayer doesn’t have to be neat and eloquent. Pour out your heart to God! Cry, scream, laugh, and let it all out at God’s feet. Whether it be a business request or prayer for comfort, He hears you!
Listen to God’s Instruction
After praying, it’s important to listen. Especially when making God your business partner. Listening requires stillness. God can speak to you through people, music, sermons–anything! Meditate on your prayer and sharpen your ear to the world around you. What do you hear in the stillness? What do you hear in your conversations? While He may not respond immediately or give you the answer you want to hear, He is always one prayer away to hear your cry.
Know What God Says About You
It’s important to only dwell on what God says about you and not the enemy. The enemy will fill your mind with doubts, fears, and confusion. God sends you clarity and confirmation. While the enemy calls you a failure and a nobody, God affirms that you are His child and that you have the victory. When the enemy wants you to feel insecure and insignificant, God affirms that He knows who you are!
Repeat and recite aloud: I AM a conqueror! I AM an overcomer. I AM a survivor! When God is for you, who can be against you? Carry this with you always.
Know Who You Are
It’s in knowing who we are that we find our place of authority. When you know who you are and what God says about you, you will not be shaken by the enemy. His lies won’t pollute your mind. Knowing who you are gives you the confidence to move through life with your head held high. You’ll need this confidence to conquer your goals in 2023 and beyond.
Knowing who you are requires a level of honesty that may at first be uncomfortable but is necessary for growth. Analyze your habits and shortcomings. What is holding you back? What can you do to improve what you know you should be doing but aren’t? In what ways are you holding yourself back? Once you practice self-awareness and get honest with yourself, you’ll be on track to knowing yourself.
Despite what I’ve been through, I am an influencer, trailblazer, chain breaker, voice, and more. I am committed to living a legendary life and putting others in a position to do the same. I am a living, breathing, walking testimony. I, too, am a survivor!
When it doesn’t make sense, lean into God more, and by all means, keep moving.
Yours Truly,
Chevon Nicole