6 Ways to Protect Your Peace

Protecting your peace and space is essential to maintaining a balanced life. Protecting your space means being intentional about the energy and environment you dwell in and remaining firm in your personal boundaries. Here’s how you can protect your space and improve your quality of life today. 

Prioritize Morning Meditation

It’s important to start your day with meditation and be present in the moment. Clear your mind and take a few minutes to think and do absolutely nothing. Bask in these moments of stillness and be present with yourself.  Clear out your old intentions and start the day with new intentions. 

Every morning I start my day with meditation. In the quiet hours when the world is still, I sit in complete silence and check in with myself. I take a moment to breathe and sit in how I’m feeling. This helps me stay in tune with myself and allows me to connect with God when I begin my morning prayer. When I pray and meditate, I vent to God as I would a friend. I express what’s on my heart; all of my worries, desires, requests, and all of what is on my heart go to the throne of God. 

When praying, be vulnerable. Prayer doesn’t have to be neat or perfect. It can be loud, messy, and ugly. Yell or cry out to God. Get on your knees, throw your hands in the air, and be present and intentional. When your words fail you, let your heart speak. Call out his name, “Jesus… Jesus… Jesus.” And after you’ve poured out your heart to God, be still and listen. 

Start Your Day With Worship

Every morning I start my day with worship. I open all the windows in my home, let the morning light pour into my space, and play worship music on the Bluetooth speaker. I let the melodic tunes and praises fill my spirit with positivity and encouragement. This simple routine has drastically improved my mornings and the energy in my home. I’ve also noticed an improvement in my overall mood which dictates the direction of my day.  

Creating a space of peace and light is important. Usher God into your space first thing in the morning. This may look like playing worship music, spending quiet time alone with God, reading His word, or spending time deep in prayer. Whichever way you worship, be intentional about spending time with Him, and watch your mind transform.

Be Intentional About Your Atmosphere 

The atmosphere you live in matters. That’s why it’s important to make sure your space is clean and orderly. Negativity cannot thrive in a well-kept space. When was the last time you did a deep cleaning? Where in your home can you reduce clutter? Do you find yourself feeling anxious when in your home? 

Your space is a reflection of your mind and subconsciously affects your mood. You can protect your peace by keeping your space clean and tidy. 

Stay Away From Negative People 

Negative people are like energy vampires. They will drain you until you have nothing left. Stay far away from these people. They tend to gossip often, are constantly filled with worry and doubt, and carry a spirit of anguish around with them. These are the people who make backhanded remarks and spew jealousy. The ones who discourage you to pursue new things, star new businesses, and upgrade your life. Start that business. Buy a new home. Don’t be discouraged by negative people!

Identify who these people are in your life and try to put as much distance as you can between you and them. You’ll find that your life is more peaceful and filled with more positive people who won't drag you down with their negative energy and thoughts. You are a product of your environment. If you are constantly absorbing negativity, you’ll begin to internalize it. Extract the negative people from your environment! They are the weeds and thorns in your beautiful garden tarnishing your roots.

Set Boundaries 

Setting boundaries is essential for living a peaceful life. Setting boundaries looks like saying, “no” as often as you need to and standing by your decision. It looks like staying home and recharging when the world is constantly demanding your attention. It looks like letting go of people who no longer serve you and not tolerating any kind of disrespect. Classify the people in your life. Who are the assets and who are the liabilities? Making this distinction can help you set the appropriate boundaries in your life. 

Boundaries are essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle overall. In what ways can you set your boundaries in your life? What changes do you need to make to acquire the peace you desire?

Invest In Self-Care

Investing in self-care is vital for a peaceful mind. Protect your bubble of peace by investing in yourself.

You can do this by:

  • Buying new clothes

  • Pampering yourself (facials, manis, and pedis)

  • Keeping your space clean

  • Treating yourself to your favorite meals

  • Exercising

  • Meditating

  • Spending more time with God 

  • Taking nature walks

  • Journaling

  • Lighting a candle 

  • Taking a bubble bath

  • Spending time with loved ones

  • Finding enjoyable hobbies

  • Spending less time on social media 

 There are many more ways to practice self-care to live a peaceful life. If you don’t take care of yourself, who will? 
Peace is a fragile thing and it will fluctuate from time to time. However, while life can be unpredictable, there are a few ways you can regain control. Let God be your peace when the world is a fickle cocoon of chaos. Let him be your beacon, and watch your worries fade away. 

Yours Truly, 

Chevon Nicole