The Green Monkey: How to Overcome the Spirit of Anger

What is the “green monkey”?  When I become angry and find myself engulfed in a spirit of anger, I refer to this alter ego as the “green monkey” AKA “Sashae.” While I am a prayerful woman and lean on God to keep my mind tempered, at times I fall short 70x7. After all, I’m only human and the struggle with the flesh is real. When I’m angry, this ugly green beast is who I become, and I find that allowing this alter-ego to take over clouds my judgment and stunts my spiritual growth. Here’s how I cope with the beast and manage my anger in God’s way. 

Acknowledging Your Anger 

The first step in combating the spirit of anger is acknowledging your anger. When you acknowledge your anger you’re able to ground yourself and become in tune with your emotions. By being in tune with your emotions you’re able to gain clarity and work through your irate thoughts. Be careful with this green beast as it may lead to disobedience. Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.

Take a deep breath. Sort through your thoughts. Ask God to deliver you from your anger. Before speaking, think. Before acting, think. How can you manage your anger in a more healthy way?

Here are a few ways to manage negative emotions:

  • Vent to God about your frustrations 

  • Journal your thoughts

  • Go for a walk

  • Blow steam at the gym 

  • Talk to someone you trust 

  • Do a relaxing activity 

Walking In Obedience 

When I think of the role that anger plays in practicing obedience I often think of Moses and the rock.  Lead by emotion and anger, Moses disobeyed God. Frustrated by the congregation of people and their woes, Moses struck the rock to produce water when he was instructed to speak to it. This led to Moses not receiving the blessing of entering The Promised Land.

Similarly, this lesson can be applied to our own lives. All the words and prophecies spoken over our lives won’t come to pass if we don’t walk in obedience and deal with the flesh. You cannot practice obedience without a sound and quiet mind. If you’re filled with rage and let this emotion cloud your judgment, you won’t be able to listen and receive instruction from God. What causes disobedience in your life? How can you eliminate it?

Ephesians 4:26-27 says,  “Be angry and do no sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.” Meditate on this scripture and allow it to come to the forefront when you’re experiencing intense feelings of anger. 

Listening to God’s Instruction

Don’t miss out on your blessings by being angry and disobedient! Move your flesh out of the way. What does this look like?

 It looks like:

  • Submitting to God 

  • Seeking God for council

  • Meditating and following the word 

  • Maintaining a proper prayer posture

The first time God instructed Moses to give water to the congregation of Israelites he commanded him to strike the rock. Moses likely assumed since God gave him this instruction the first time around that he would be able to do it again. 

However, when God gives you new instructions you must follow them. Stop expecting God to do things the way you’ve known them to be or thought them to be in the past. He’s come to do a new thing in your life. Instead of allowing your temper to cloud your reasoning and steer you to make the selfish option, listen to God. Don't frustrate the hand of God. Move your flesh out of the way.

Oftentimes we want to see past God instead of focusing on Him. Paul instructs us to keep our eye on the mark of the high calling–not pass the mark. We must keep our eye on the mark and keep our minds still so that we can allow God to transform and mold us for the better. 

Yours Truly, 

Chevon Nicole